Ngāi Tahu holds substantial fishing quota for a wide range of fish and shellfish around New Zealand. Ngāi Tahu Seafood has fished this quota in company-owned fishing vessels and processed the catch in company factories. More recently, Ngāi Tahu Seafood has refocused upon a handful of niche, premium species, allowing others to use the balance of the extensive fishing quota that Ngāi Tahu holds. This use is monitored by Ngāi Tahu Seafood within New Zealand's comprehensive Quota Management System.
As many international clients continue to request a wider range of seafood than the selected species on offer, Ngāi Tahu Seafood maintains arrangements with our quota fishers and reputable producers, in order to be able to provide a wider offering of finished product.. Flat fish such as soles, flounders, turbot and brill are a specialty, within a basket of frozen and (more recently) fresh fish including bluenose, dory, gurnard, ling, red cod, rig, sharks, skate, stargazer and scampi. Product is exported to Ngāi Tahu Seafood clients in Australia and throughout Europe, the USA and Asia.